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Routledge Studies in Asia's Transformations: Reconciling Indonesia : Grassroots Agency for Peace (2009, Hardcover) read online book TXT, PDF, MOBI


Indonesia has been torn by massive internal conflicts over the last decade. The absence of functioning national tools of reconciliation and the often limited success of an internationally established reconciliation toolkit " of truth commissions and law enforcement, justice and human rights, forgiveness and amnesty, requires us to interrogate commonly held notions of reconciliation and transitional justice. Reconciling Indonesiafills two major gaps in the literature on Indonesia and peace and conflict studies more generally: the neglect of grassroots agency for peace and the often overlooked collective and cultural dimension of reconciliation. Bringing together scholars from all over the world, this volume draws upon multi-disciplinary theoretical perspectives, extensive fieldwork and activists' experience, and explores the ways in which reconciliation connects with issues like civil society, gender, religion, tradition, culture, education, history, displacement and performance. It covers different areas of Indonesia, from Aceh in the West to the Moluccas in the East, and deals with a broad variety of conflicts and violence, such as communal violence, terrorist attacks, secessionist conflicts, localized small-scale conflicts, and the mass violence of 1965-66. Reconciling Indonesia offers new understandings of grassroots or bottom-up reconciliation approaches and thus goes beyond prevalent political and legal approaches to reconciliation. Reconciling Indonesiais important reading for scholars, activists and anyone interested in current developments in Indonesia and the broader region and in new approaches to peace and conflict research., Promoting an interdisciplinary examination of Indonesia, this volume goes beyond a mere political and legal approach to reconciliation. It offers new understandings of bottom-up reconciliation approaches and the cultural dimension of reconciliation., Set against the backdrop of the English Civil War, the manipulative Angelica exploits a country in crisis in a bid to better her own position. She abandons her loyalties to the Royal Family following the execution of her childhood sweetheart and first husband. Destitute, Angelica finds herself suddenly embroiled in murder and misadventure in a bitter struggle for survival.Fortune smiles on her once again in her alliance with Oliver Cromwell and her subsequent marriage to his trusted friend, theheroic revolutionary Rainsborough. Angelica becomes Cromwell's confidante as he begins his reign over England. However, when her husband, protector and the father of her unborn child is murdered by Cromwell she is forced to face her demons.

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